
Individual Peer Support Session

Individual coaching

One -on-One Individual Peer Support Session

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60 minutes seesion
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These sessions are available for anyone, no matter where they are on their journey. You can use this time for general support, goal planning, or whatever you need in the moment. I am here to listen and support you!

  • Host

    Melanie T.

    Peer Supporter

    Certified Peer Supporter

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About The Host

I am a Medi-Cal State Certified Peer Support Specialist. I began my Peer Support Journey in September of 2018 when I completed Peer Employment Training through RI International. It was during the Pandemic that I found my job working for The Warmline in San Diego. I was a Peer Support Specialist answering calls until October 2021 when I became The Warmline Coordinator and Program Manager. I managed The Warmline for almost two years until I stepped down in July of 2023. I've lived with mental illness for most of my life and have found Peer Support to be the most meaning job and major experience to further help and maintain my own recovery journey.