
Mending Relationships

Hosted By
Liliana P.
Friday, Aug 09, 2024 | 06:00pm - 07:00pm EDT
1 seat remaining
About this meeting
Codependency is an imbalanced relationship where one person prioritizes another person's needs over their own. Codependent relationships can be unhealthy and can lead to one-sided, emotionally destructive, or abusive relationships. Some signs of codependency include: Relationship dynamics One partner needs the other, and the other needs to be needed. Codependent relationships often involve underlying problems like addiction, abuse, or mental illness. Individual characteristics Codependent people may have low self-esteem, difficulty setting boundaries, and people-pleasing behaviors. They may also act submissive, clingy, or controlling to feel secure. Behavior Codependent people may idealize their partner, enable their poor choices, or endure harmful behavior. They may also neglect their own needs, apologize to keep the peace, or avoid conflict.

About the host
My name is Liliana, I became a Certified Peer Specialist as a natural outcome of investing 1000s of hours encouraging and helping others since 2014. Through my experience, recovering from PTSD, Depression, Codependency, Child abuse, love addiction, Maladaptive daydreaming , Domestic Violence and trauma, I embarked on a self improvement journey that led to inner healing, personal development and professional growth. My wellness journey is my testimony.
Motivation for help
it is my true desire to help others find healing through my experience, strength, hope and encouragement.
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