
Teana .

State Certified Peer Supporter

Accepting New Connections

Hi my name is Teána and peer support is saying walking in my shoes have been difficult, if you feel the same about walking in your shoes let’s take a walk together without trying to fix each other.


About Teana


My name is Teána (T-ahna) and as a mother, Black woman and DV survivor I know that I can be my own worst critic. My healing journey has brought me a long way and I now know I am worthy. Realizing that has helped heal the little girl in me who did not think she would ever be worthy. Growing up around addiction, imprisonment, and adults that did not keep me safe has taught me to use my lived experience to not only encourage myself but others as well. I can now say I am on an amazing journey of discovery as a Black woman that has been able to face her trauma and mental health diagnosis with radical acceptance. Before I had ever heard of a peer supporter I had been in that role for majority of my life and never put a name to it. I now know that individuals around me are not the only ones who deserve to be supported, I had to learn to support myself emotionally and uphold boundaries that cater to a healthy mental state of being. My faith made me realize I had to, if I wanted to be a good mother to my children who had now received their mental health diagnosis. The peer support community has given me the strength I need to learn to thrive and not merely survive. What is still missing from our community is more parent support around our own mental health diagnosis and parenting children with mental health diagnosis. As well as the topic of PMDD (premenstrual dysphoric disorder) because it is a diagnosis that is underrated. I would love to provide support for peers around these topics and any topic where I can meet you where you are. If you are reading my profile, I look forward to connecting with you soon.


My Recovery Story

My healing journey continues as I have experienced EMDR, Emotional CPR, DBT, the right medication regimen and building a support system around me. I love that meditating and affirmations are a part of my routine because I now know I am worth the effort. This is the best I have felt in years, and it was a lot of hard work and I am proud to say that I took the steps that worked best for me and my family regardless of what others thought would work best.

My Motivation To Help

My heart cried for help when I was experiencing suicidal thoughts and there was no one to answer my cries. Now as a parent that has to manage suicide ideation, I want to be the support I never had. I also want parents to know they aren’t alone rather it is their mental health diagnosis or their children’s diagnosis.

My Chatrooms

She is Still Me

Members: 11

Living with Premenstrual dysphoric disorder (PMDD). There is not enough support around this topic, let's talk about it.


My Services

Peer Wellness Support
Getting the support you need around your mental health