
Shadow work Series.

Individual coaching

Digging into our dark shadows. Learning to cope and become a better version of ourselves!

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60 minutes seesion
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Shadow Work Series! Shadow work is a practice that involves exploring the unconscious mind to uncover repressed or hidden parts of oneself. These parts can include trauma, undesirable personality traits, or other aspects of identity that have been rejected. The goal of shadow work is to integrate these lost aspects of the self to become whole, and to live a more authentic life. This is a Series: Each session we will dig deeper into our unconscious mind to uncover what we repressed so that we can move on to a better version of ourselves. *Journal required to do worksheets.

About The Host

Hello Everyone! My name is Trista ! I’m a state certified Peer Support Specialist. I am a wife ,mom of 4 daughters ,and a very needy micro bully. I am a very laid back, non judgmental person. I have been told I am a positive, outgoing, caring, and resourceful person. I get along with everyone. I am also a very honest and blunt person. Accountability is very important to me. It saved my life. I am also considered the “resource queen” by all of my co workers. I provide 1:1 peer support and Groups as well. Check out My services to see if any of the topics interest you or you can find my 1:1 Peer Support service. I am open and ready to help!! Message me to arrange our session!