
DBSA Rural Community Peer Support Groups

Hosted By
Liliana P.
Monday, Jul 29, 2024 | 07:00pm - 08:00pm CDT
Meeting Full
About this meeting
This group is for members of the rural community who live with depression or bipolar disorder or who believe they may have depression or bipolar. The groups, led by a facilitator from the rural community with lived experience, create a safe environment for people to share stories, questions, and concerns with other people who live in rural areas with a mood disorder
  • Host

    Liliana P.

    Peer Supporter

    State Certified Peer Supporter

    group leader image
    View Profile
  • Co-host

    Christina J.

    Peer Supporter

    Certified Peer Supporter

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    View Profile

About the host
My name is Liliana, I became a Certified Peer Specialist as a natural outcome of investing 1000s of hours encouraging and helping others since 2014. Through my experience, recovering from PTSD, Depression, Codependency, Child abuse, love addiction, Maladaptive daydreaming , Domestic Violence and trauma, I embarked on a self improvement journey that led to inner healing, personal development and professional growth. My wellness journey is my testimony.
Motivation for help
it is my true desire to help others find healing through my experience, strength, hope and encouragement.
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Registration Closed
Attendees (15)
3052826296 Kcurly Joe Osborne Pattie CJ AlexJones norah Izzy Rylee Grace Djay Gypsyprincess30 Julia PA LOTTIE Lee Kass
Depression and Bipolar Support Alliance logo
Depression and Bipolar Support Alliance

Depression and Bipolar Support Alliance (DBSA) is the leading peer-focused national organization focused on depression and bipolar disorder. DBSA's peer-based, wellness-oriented, and empowering services and resources are available when people need them, where they need them, and how they need to receive them. This includes online and local support groups, audio and video casts, and printed materials distributed by DBSA, our chapters, and mental health care facilities across America.

DBSA online support groups provide people living with depression and bipolar disorder a place to share experiences, discuss coping skills, and offer hope to one another. DBSA support groups are peer-led, meaning they are facilitated by someone living with a mood disorder who has been trained and certified to guide others on their journey.

DBSA online support group meetings are peer-based self-help groups. In the DBSA context, a peer is a person with a mood disorder. Another distinction of peer is that we are not professionals - physicians and other mental health providers. We are here to assist, encourage, and enableĀ each other to help ourselves.

Please note that the schedule for DBSA support group meetings on HeyPeers has been updated for 2024. To see all available meetings through DBSA, or to find alternatives if you are waitlisted for a group, visitĀ

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